
Hello, I'm Dhalian, I'm 18 years old and I make fun projects over Internet. Some of these projects are not family friendly so it's risky to click on them.

Fun Projects Overview

~*~ Lumia Discord Bot ~*~
a multipurposes discord bot for "Le Homebrew France" server ~ searching for fReE HoSt
~*~ Le Homebrew France ~*~
Cool website I designed for "Le Homebrew France" Discord server.
~*~ Cauet Burger Web ~*~
A website I designed for the coming back of the Cauet Burger in Quick restaurants. The website is disgusting in some pages but too lazy to fix this since nobody talks about the Cauet Burger anymore..
~*~ Linard's Backrooms ~*~
A Linard soundboard for the Linard's Backrooms community 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️